New day jobs and minor illnesses have kept things moving slowly here at Ebon Gryphon, but things have been quietly simmering along! Back at Christmas Time, we did our “twelve days of Ebon Gryphon Christmas” on Facebook. The resources posted then have been added to our Ebon Fantasy page here now to make them easier to find in the future!
You can find a lot there now – Dwarves, Grims, and Orcs as new kindreds, two new regions, three new general backgrounds, seven specialties, four Patrons, two denizens, and rules for crafting and mounts among it! There’s also a link to the form-fillable character sheet, and four sample characters… check it out!
The Day Job has unfortunately been consuming most of Julian’s time, but Travis has been working on a long-term pet project of his, a GM-less, single-session RPG meant to emulate vampire movies in the classic horror vein – Dracula and the Hammer movies, rather than, say, Twilight. It’s called … and cast no shadow, and here’s a preview of a couple of pages!